I went to the weekly open improv rehearsal and Hanging with Harold at the Sea Tea Improv Studio in Hartford. This week was notable as Julia Pistell of Sea Tea contacted me and connected my with Andrea, a Wesleyan student looking for a ride to the workshop. Andrea is from Italy and has been performing long form for years. My friend, Wes Student and budding stand-up comic Willie Zabar also tagged along for the rehearsal.
For the open rehearsal we concentrated the art of gibberish. Gibberish is making simple non-word sounds. The fun part is improvising in gibberish is getting ones point across without words but through gesture and the emotion of the sound coming out.
Following the open rehearsal we took part in Sea Tea’s Hanging with Harold. The Harold is a long form improv format created by Del Close. We took one suggestion and used the suggestion to create scenes. It was great to work with the variety of different performers from Sea Tea and the Connecticut improv scene.